Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Getting Hard Out Here For A Pimp

Researchers say that you come to exorcise your natural talents when you are a child. Hints of what a child is drawn to at first could depict what career choices they chose as an adult. The discussion of this analogy is something I find very true. Take for example, when my sister and I were children we didn't have much. Considering my endless desire to be the proud owner of a Power Wheels Barbie Jeep, I found myself in my mother's "craft room" located in the dark hallway of our Northeast Philadelphia home's basement cutting and sewing away at odd socks to provide my mostly always naked Barbie Dolls with new clothes. I remember my favorite pattern was to fold the sock in half then cut a round shape in the tip of the toe then another round shape in the fold right below the toe and viola! You have an instant Barbie Doll top or dress depending on the hem. But my sister, who is three years older, for some natural reason would create the coolest couture odd-sock Barbie Doll outfits speckled with puffy-paint patterns and sewed on lace. Of course, she would then try to trade me her homemade Barbie clothes for my well-crafted Mattel Barbie shiny evening dresses, which was mostly a 90% success rate- for her...what can I say? I was gullible or just always wanted what my older sister had. But the point of the story is, is that my sister, Melissa, is now a very talented fashion designer. So, understanding the truth of the researchers accusations, I decided to look within myself to rediscover my natural talents...
Genetically, I am an artist. My mother is an artist and my father an Architect. In school, I excelled in Art as well as Science. My personality was shy, but not afraid to be in the spotlight. I got along well with adults and had a hard time relating to people my age. I was independent, and would always ask the teacher if I could "work alone" when it came to doing group projects in class. My hobbies included, riding my spring horse, glancing at old photographs over and over again (even if they were a strangers), capturing bugs to give them baths (frequently ending in tragedies) and making my Barbie and Ken dolls engage in sex (this was pre-Internet days), to conclude my adult career choice should have been to a pornographer...just kidding. No, it was to be a photographer. An art I could do all day and not get bored...and I can.

So, here I am. Brief about the Blothor (Blogger/ Author)....

After a medium successful acting career, I decided to transfer my creative energy into Photography. A passion of mine I exorcised for a long time, but never thought too much to take it into the "Big Leagues". Since I was a kid, I always would mimic mock-photo shoots with my friends. It was fun, it was art and it was never boring.
The past two years I have been pushing myself in every open opportunity to grow in this business. From assisting photographers, reading books the size of my forehead, building photographic concepts and even being the subject of other photographers to learn how they work. 
People ask, "oh you're a photographer, what do you like to shoot?" my response is always "your face" then they get that puzzled, "not sure if I should laugh" look on their face and I have to quickly save the conversation by saying, "joking, but I do really love to photograph people"...I mean, why should I have to respond to a limiting question?  I love photographing every walks of life. I am fascinated by capturing emotions and making time stand still, working with people and making them feel good, getting a baby to laugh and the parents of the bride and groom to cry. This is my life. 

I hope to share with you the trials and tribulations involved, the experiences that make me grow and the moments I capture. Enjoy.

2010 Copyright Kristin Kirgan Photography.

1 comment:

  1. Being an artist is the hardest choice one can make but one of the few options in life that allow you to touch people places they can't be simply touched at all times but those few special times by capturing a moment in time and making it last for a lifetime in a still photograph, in a moving image... Like you, I have had a hard time explaining people why i am interested in lighting, photography, video, film, lens, and writing... People always have a weird need to LABEL you as a one single "thing". When people ask me what i am i simply say an artist and quickly they ask if i paint or draw... But as an artist I Am free to be me and do whatever the hell i want! Thanks for this blog! I related to it because I am an artist, too. It feels good to know there are more freaks like me out there hahaha
