Friday, November 12, 2010

I Think I Just Peed A Little

Dear Friends,

Can I just say the word "spee spppeeee sppppeeeeee sppppppeeeeeechleeeeessss"? I feel really truly blessed today, not because I am sitting on a plastic crate to type this blog right now, but because I feel like I've worked with just an awesome mentor, Brian Bowen Smith, shooting all the top executives at Dream Works (and yes, that includes Steven - I told him to tuck his shirt in- I directed Steven-holy dump). What a great learning experience! Brian is truly such a phenomenal photographer, he has such a childlike and playful yet passionate quality about him that just make you want to fall in love with him. Special thank you to my friend, George, for helping open-up some doors for me, I feel very grateful.

There is something that goes through you when you watch a professional do what you want to do. It's an imaginative process you can really feel more so hands-on. When you are in the presence of everything you want to do in your life and it stares you in the face and you can touch it with your bare hands and then the adrenaline kicks in and you are just on cloud 9. I feel like all day I have been trying not to over excite myself, but golly gee, I think I just peed a little.

This week has been a very wonderful journey ending with a bang. Yesterday, I was approached to shoot some prize-winning Alpacas in Aqua Dolce, CA. There breeder, Cecilia, was so sweet at helping bring out the rare playful side of the grass-spitting woolly creatures and that is a challenging tack! Those fuzzy guys are more timid then an invincible rabbit. But after about an hour of sitting in there pen and louring them with the finest of finest Alpaca biscuits, they finally started to come to me, and also to nibble on my Ray-Bans.

On top of it all I still have a lot to learn, who doesn't? But today, my mom said she was proud of me, which, in her book was a big deal...Who knew a photo of an Alpaca could do so much? You know we are all guilty of wanting to please our parents...even if it is kept a secret:)

Tomorrow, more shooting and editing. I am becoming very satisfied with the final photo results of my Colorado trip and watching photographic documentaries for National Geographic to get ideas on where to go for my next excursion...any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud of you baby! So happy you are getting closer to your dreams!
